All Categories - Local Carpet Cleaner in Crowborough, Uckfield & Heathfield

September 29, 2023
The pH level of a carpet is important because it affects the way a carpet cleans. The pH level of...
Carpet cleaning helps reduce allergies Allergies are caused by the body's immune system...
  1. Professional carpet cleaning services are often recommended for people who have pets,...
  All reputable carpet cleaners, myself included have undergone strict training regarding the...
  Being born and living in East Sussex my whole life I am able to understand the needs and...
  I am very pleased that I have now got my own label professional spot and stain remover. ...
  Dear Chris  ...just to let you know.   Carpets look amazing!  Now they are dry. Look like new...
The first thing I cannot recommend highly enough is TRAINING as buying some equipment from a...
At one time carpets often became dirty fairly quickly after they had been cleaned.This was due...
About six weeks before xmas is a very busy time for carpet cleaners.If you want your carpets...
I watched a video ad on Facebook today that showed a carpet stain remover that claimed to remove...
One of the things I most here from customers is my carpets are not too bad I vacuum them every...
Sometimes when cleaning wool or wool mix carpets a neutral ph product will not give the results...
Beware of carpet cleaners offering very low prices that seem too good to be true often these...
All carpet cleaning materials that I use are child and pet friendly.I also have a Eco range that...
April 3, 2018
The secret to fast drying times when carpet cleaning is to work as fast as possible with the...
All too often when I am called out to a customers house to clean carpets I am faced with carpets...